Wisdom Teeth Removal
Pain can be caused by:
Irritated gums around the tooth
Infection of the tooth due to food being trapped and cavity formation
Pressure of the moving tooth against other structures in the mouth
Cyst forming around the tooth
Do wisdom teeth have to be removed?
Recommendation of wisdom tooth removal is done on a case-by-case basis. In some instances, wisdom teeth grow in proper alignment, are functional, and free of complications.
In the case of trapped wisdom teeth, a large majority of the time they will be recommended for extraction to prevent further complications, discomfort, or damage to neighboring teeth.
If the teeth are recommended for extraction, depending on the location of the tooth, they may be done in office, or in some cases referred to an oral surgeon’s office.

To find out more about which service options are best for you, please call (810) 687-5040 or request an appointment online.